Hey! I'm Kill (no the name has nothing to do with the verb "to kill"..),
I'm 17 years old and from Germany.
My parents are polish, but I only speak very very little
not even mentioning writing, so I stick to English.. :D
I'm new and kinda lost on this page, but I hope this'll clarify soon enough.
The reason why I'm not drawing atm is because I'm having
issues with my Java Environment and my browser keeps crashing, so sorry.
My aim for being here, is improving my art, so don't hold back with (constructive) criticism! :D
Dzienkuje Bardzo, anyways :D
- is a male
- last seen: 13:24, 7 Jun 2011
- is a member since 15 Jul 2009
- has birthday on 10 Sep 2009
- has a homepage » link
- specializes in :I do not specialze, I try out everything :D
- He's inspired by People and Stories
- Location Lower Saxony, Germany
Views | 10 658 |
Comments | 8 |
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Oekaki @dA
Profile: kill
RAIN1 by hentaiAdded: 13:09, 17 Jul 2009 ChibiPaint (5h 37m 24s) Board: level2 |
Happy Birth day c;